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Season Cells, reduction woodcut, screen printing, mixed media, 60” X 120” X 10”, 2024.

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Season Cells, (detail) 60” X 120” X  10”, 2024.

  1. Season Cells, (detail) 60” X 120” X  10”, 2024.


Desmo, color reduction woodcut, collage, mixed media, 12” X 12”, 2024.

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Don’t Discount My Life Jacket, Poster and Film (partner project with Catrielle Barnett)

tobacco mailer coupons, linen, mixed-media, 5 X 3 X 3 ft, 2024. 


Delicate Habitat, drypoint, mixed media, 20” X 30”, 2025.

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Harmonic Halftones, screen printing, wood, velum, mixed media,  35” X  25” X  8”,  2024.


Harmonic Halftones, (detail) 35” X  25” X  8”, 2024.

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Close to You Dual Brooch, reduction woodcut, mixed media, 24” X  28” X  3”,  2024.


Shell of Survival, drypoint, tea bag paper, mixed media, 16” X 16”, 2025.


 Shell of Survival, (detail), 16” X 16”,  2025.

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Unboxing Ourselves, relief printmaking, 9" x 12", 2025.

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Eye of the Needle, relief and hand printing, mixed media, 20" x 30", 2024.

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Eclipsed by the Eye of the Needle, printmaking, mixed media, 20" x 30",  2024.

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Emerging Anew, clay, mixed media, 20" x 25" x 12", 2023.

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Inner Terrarium, mixed media, 15" x 15", 2024.

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Borders and Boundaries, metals and mixed media, 6" x 22" x 1", 2023.


Torn Between Woods and Windows, mixed media, 30" x 30", 2023.


Circle Game, metals and mixed media, 17" x 10" x 3", 2023.

                                                                                                   © 2024 by Kat

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